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Easily Embed PDF & HTML Toggle View on your website

Easily display your issues on your own website using Universal App’s (UA) embed feature. There are 5 different options to accommodate a variety of publisher needs. Simply select which option works best for you, embed the code on your website and your good to go. Check out the different options below HTML Only Your collection […]

What do your readers expect from your digital publication

What Do Your Readers Expect From Your Digital Publication?

As technology advances, the way we read and consume content and knowledge has evolved. The media we prefer to read depends on its practicality and reading experience as much as its substance. As a millennial, I grew up in the 90s with print, be it magazines, literature or even research journals. The generation of my […]

Pixel Perfect Vs Responsive Design – Which One Is More Suitable for You?

Building your online publication presence requires a lot of time, effort, skill and budget. There are multiple options out there when it comes to building your online presence, like creating a website or using a digital publishing platform. Before we get into details, it is essential to understand the two styles of website design used […]

digital magazine maker

How to Start an Online Magazine in 2023

Welcome to 2023! A new year brings new resolutions.  If starting a digital publication is one of yours, you’ve come to the right place and should 100% check out our detailed step-by-step tutorial on how to start an online magazine if you haven’t already. In the last few years, online magazines have developed so fast […]

MagLoft May 2021 Product Update

Notes from the CEO What a month May 2021 has been! The entire MagLoft team is hacking full speed ahead on our new web based publishing and marketing solution! We have achieved a great deal already with more to come in the next weeks and months. We have welcomed Nabila to the MagLoft team as […]

PWA Early Release Updates

What You Can Do From The PWA Admin Dashboard Now You can access the Editor to create content, build templates and set your publish date. You can create customized design templates that you can reuse for future issues. You can create standalone responsive HTML articles using our Typeloft 2.0 editor. This enables you to publish […]

What is MagLoft

What is MagLoft and How Is It Different From Other Publishing Solutions?

“What is MagLoft” is a question we get a lot! Not many nights ago I was on a really great live demo call with a potential new client (we will call him Dan). Dan was well prepared and had a lot of great questions. It was clear to hear that Dan was taking his project […]

Online Magazine Makers You Need to Check Out Today

Online Magazine Makers You Need to Check Out Today!

Global online magazine readership is definitely growing, so if you’ve been thinking of publishing your own online magazine, this is the time to do so. When launching your magazine online, it’s important to pick which digital publishing companies to be your partner. The right platform will help your publication grow. There are hundreds of options out […]

What You Need to Prepare to Publish a Digital Magazine

What You Need to Prepare to Publish a Digital Magazine

So you want to start and publish a digital magazine of your own? Having worked in a digital publishing platform for over 2 years as customer success, and the first touchpoint for many of our clients, Rafael and I have helped on-boarded hundreds of clients until their apps are published successfully.  For this article, Rafael […]

How to Improve Engagement of Your Digital Magazine

How to Improve Engagement of Your Digital Magazine

The digital publishing industry is a densely populated industry. More and more new digital publications and magazines are emerging every week. The competition is high. With so many options available for the consumers, you will need to go the extra mile to ensure that your digital magazine stays relevant to your readers. Here are some […]

MagLoft Referral Program – Refer Others and Earn Discounts

MagLoft has recently launched a very simple referral program. We decided to do this because we love it when others share the word about MagLoft and we want to thank them for this effort. The goal of the MagLoft referral program is to give away discounts. When you refer new clients to MagLoft you will […]

Android Digital Magazine App Solution for Print Publishers

The MagLoft team has just released a new plan option for publishers interested in creating their own Android App for their magazine. Previously all our plans included all apps (iOS, Android, Amazon) in a bundle. Now it’s possible to start with just an Android Digital Magazine App and get published in Google Play. This change […]

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