We all love magazines, and we love them even more now that they’re online and can be taken with us wherever we go. Get a free magazine online always lures everyone to purchase.

Being an online reader yourself, you know how important your magazines are to you. You probably even believe you read the best stuff on the online market.

But can you really say that your magazine maker is truly top ten material?

It’s a question that we all want to have answered, but we may not be ready for what we see. Is our magazine up at the top? Is it mixed in with the average Joes? Maybe (gasp!) it didn’t make it at all??

Well, for better or for worse, today’s the day you find out.

The Ten Best Magazines of The Best

Perhaps the most important list of all time, here’s where you’ll find out the top ten best online magazines (in no particular order) out there. See where yours stacks up!

The New Yorker

Let’s face it: The New Yorker was, is, and always will be one of the best-ranking magazines ever created. Although it offers paid issues/subscriptions, we still can have this free magazine online to read its amazing content.

The New Yorker owes its popularity to staying current, and to making certain that it encompasses the interests of all people instead of playing to a specific demographic.

With this simple yet effective approach, it’s no wonder they’ve got the whole crowd with them.


The world is all about money. Forbes is all about money. See where this is going?

Forbes is a magazine dedicated to all things financial: tips for industry niches, marketing, investing – if it’s about money, it’s in there. Grab the free magazine online as Forbes offers trial free issues as well!

Lately, they’ve also decided to branch out of their comfort zone, covering subjects like science, law, and communications. That being said, they certainly haven’t forgotten their roots.

Mad Sounds

If you haven’t heard of this magazine, it’s because you may not be a young creator. Just in case you missed it, you can read a free magazine online from Mad Sounds directly from their website.

Whether you know about it or not, this online magazine is extremely popular and still making waves. In it, you read about young up and coming artists and creators who are making a difference and paving their way to success.

Think “30 before 30” except that its focus is primarily creators. Sounds pretty neat, huh?


Another free magazine online to read. Did you really think that Vogue wouldn’t be up here?

Vogue is a powerhouse for both the traditional print and the internet magazine. Since their creation, Vogue has been about all things fashion, talking about celebrity wear, beauty tips, and the do’s and don’ts of dressing up.

In short, if you want to look and feel your best, you only need to read Vogue.

And really, who doesn’t love to see all of those amazing outfits?


Wow, the world is really kinky as this free magazine online can be read anywhere anytime.

If you haven’t noticed, Cosmopolitan is everywhere in print, and things haven’t changed since they’ve made their presence online.

Why is Cosmopolitan so hot, you ask? Simple: their subjects are hot, and they’re not afraid to post all about the naughty stuff that most of us want to know but are too bashful to talk about in public.

If nothing else, they definitely get props for saying what they feel – every last word.

Agriculture Online

What, you thought farmers couldn’t make the top ten? Well, look who proved you wrong.

Agriculture Online is exactly what it sounds like: everything you want to know about farming and agriculture all on the screen so you can access it any time you’d like.

Believe it or not, agriculture is still a very important practice all over the world. How else do you get those fresh collards or juicy tomatoes?

If you’re a farmer and you haven’t heard about this magazine, we highly suggest that you grab a copy.

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When you hear “MSN”, you probably have horrid thoughts of terrible browser service and dial-up that’s so slow you sleep mid-session.

Thank goodness we’ve come so much farther than that.

MSN has always been about their news, and they have no need to stray away from their roots. They’re still the best when it comes to learning the latest in sports, video, games, weather, and pretty much anything else you can think of.

In some cases, you can get the news from them before you hear it on the TV. And thanks to mobile devices, you can take it with you on the go and hear news anytime, anywhere.

Atlas Magazine

You want real and uncut? Atlas gives you just that for a free magazine online.

Since their creation, Atlas has strived to bring out all of the topics that people are afraid to talk about, topics that stir controversy and (possibly) start verbal fights.

From the subject feminism to that of realization to critical events happening worldwide, Atlas is not afraid to get messy – and they want you to join in.

Clearly, they’re doing something right, as their subjects become more diverse and their fan base only continues to grow. Do yourself a favor and check them out.

Scientific American

All of the science nerds just squealed when they read this.

Yes, Scientific American is in the top ten, and for good reason. Science helps us to better understand the world around us, and Scientific American makes sure to take that understanding to new heights.

Now that they’re on the online scene, they continue to influence and enrich readers’ lives through their immense level of scientific know-how.

If you want to learn more about us, the world the universe, and everything in between, you should give this magazine a try.

World Magazine

The World Magazine focuses on the happenings of the world through a Christian-based standpoint. Why is it in the top ten, you ask? Well, when the majority of the world is of some type of Christian denomination, it kind of makes sense.

World Magazine talks about all types of subjects, ranging from cultural analysis, to movie reviews, to governments, all while tying these events to the Bible happenings and prophecies.

This is a pretty big deal to those who seek to understand the happenings of the world and how they relate to the events listed in the Bible, and it’s something you definitely shouldn’t miss out on.

We’re All About the Digital Side

Now that you know who is the best online magazine maker in the world as well as the rest of the top ten, you may want to know how to make your own digital content look like top ten material. Luckily for you, we’ve got you covered.

At Magloft, we make it our priority to give the best in digital content to our clients. We offer a ton of different features to our clients, including making your site responsive across platforms, creating audio and video widgets, and so much more.

Got a question you’d like to ask us? Why not let us know? Send us an email and we’ll be sure to get back to you as soon as possible to answer any questions you may have.

Come check us out. We look forward to having you here and create your own free magazine online.

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