Digital publishing will be an 8 billion dollar industry by 2020.

This means that making your content stand out will become even harder. But to be able to keep up, it’s important to improve your content on a regular basis.

Lucky for you, we’ve compiled a list of ways to improve the quality of your digital publishing. Soon your digital publication will be a high-rated website.

Read on for 10 tips to help your digital publication.

1. Optimize for SEO

Why create content that no one will ever see?

The first step to making a better digital platform is through SEO. Optimizing Search Engine Optimization will help users find your content with ease. In turn, it will bring more readers and potential subscribers to your website.

While SEO services do exist, you will be able to do a lot of optimization for free.

Using SEO assures that readers will see your content, and it will help you reach out to new people.

2. Find Email Subscribers

You will be able to create a consistent following with good content alone. However, even your most loyal fans will forget to check in on you from time to time.

That’s why an email subscription service is so useful for your readers. Sending updates from time to time through email will keep them interested, even when they aren’t visiting your site.

Even if people don’t open these newsletters, it is still useful to have them. Just seeing them will remind your loyal readers to come back to your site. In a sense, it’s like an advertisement in their inbox.

Be careful though! It’s a delicate process with email subscribers because people will unsubscribe if you become bothersome. Too many companies send an annoying amount of email newsletters, and you most definitely don’t want to become the next one.

3. Use MagLoft

If you have a print publication as well, use MagLoft to publish your work. MagLoft has a feature that lets you create your magazine the way you would see it in print.

MagLoft has a plan that will give you plenty of the features you need for your publication. A digital publishing platform will give your readers the interactive feel they desire.

4. Don’t stop with words

It’s no secret that video is the most dominant type of content online. In 2015, 400 users uploaded 400 hours of video every second to YouTube.

Digital publishers like you should take note of this. In order to appease your audience, you have to create video content for your publication.

In addition to that, it’s not enough to just make a video. The video itself needs to be worth watching and have good quality as well. A lousy video will only make your publication look outdated.

Good photography is essential, too. Very few publications do not use photos in their content, but you should make sure your photos stand out.

5. Be prepared for mobile

For the first time in 2017, mobile internet usage surpassed desktop usage. Predictions show that this usage will increase in 2018 and beyond as well.

This means that most of your readers are viewing your site on a mobile device. As a result, you need to be prepared for this by making your layout adapt to mobile.

You should also write your online content in mind for mobile readers. Long and blocky paragraphs are annoying to read on a cell phone. Paragraphs should be no longer than 3 or 4 sentences.

6. Post Content Often

Publishing all your magazine content at one time can be tempting. This is even more alluring to print publishers who put everything in a print magazine.

However, you have to fight this desire to be able to create consistent content and to keep the traffic stable.

For example, releasing less content with more frequency will keep your readers returning to your site to see more.

You might even see a spike in traffic from search engines because Google rewards publishers that create consistent content.

You can publish the content you produce for your magazine online as well, but you should adapt it for online readers.

And, if you’re scarce for content, you could even split up longer pieces into two parts online.

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7. Quality over Quantity

Quality of content is always more important than quantity of content. While you do need to post on a regular basis, you cannot use this as an excuse to create bad content.

If you do so, your readers will notice this laziness. People won’t visit a site with bad content on a regular basis.

Choosing to create more bad content will also hurt your chances with advertisers. Business owners don’t want to associate their brand with this type of work.

8. Be social

Don’t stop with your website. As of 2021, there are 3.78 billion people that use social media, and chances are your readers are one of them.

Using Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram will drive traffic to your new content. But you can also reshare old content to increase views.

Social media also gives you a chance to hear feedback from your readers. This will help you optimize your content.

9. Create Interactive Media

Interactive media is the next step in digital publishing. This includes animation, interactive graphic design, games, and more.

Creating a design is no longer enough. Users are expecting media they can interact with, even in small ways.

For example, check out the Washington Post’s coverage of 2017’s solar eclipse. The graphic allows you to view images of the eclipse from across the country.

This graphic wasn’t difficult to create, but it was a remarkable touch to the article. Using these types of media will impress your readers.

10. Build an App

One of the best ways to keep your readers regular is by creating an app. These apps will make it easier for people to consume your content every day.

With an app, you’ll also get a better insight into what your readers want. Apps often have statistics that will show you what people are reading.

At MagLoft, we specialize in helping independent publishers create apps for their magazines. How it works is a simple process that will give you an app in no time.

Start Digital Publishing!

Now that you have some tips for digital publishing, get busy. Your readers are waiting.

For more information, check out our blog here. If you’re interested in creating an app with us, head on over to our pricing.

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