
Powering Business Growth through In-Depth Understanding

Welcome to MagLoft's Discovery Workshop, an essential first step in our unique approach that involves an in-depth and collaborative exploration of your business. By truly understanding your business needs and desired outcomes, we can tailor digital publishing solutions that are genuinely effective and customized for you.

Why the Discovery Workshop?

Every publisher is unique, and your challenges require bespoke solutions.

We can only create these solutions when we fully understand your current business environment, the pain points you're experiencing, and the outcomes you seek. Our Discovery Workshop facilitates understanding, forming the backbone of the effective strategy we will deploy to help you achieve your desired business outcomes.

How Does it Work?

The Discovery Workshop, guided by Tobias Strebitzer, our CTO, and Sisi Florensia, MagLoft’s Outcome Delivery Lead, is an in-depth examination of your business operations.

The process uncovers the underlying causes of your challenges, identifies affected user groups, and documents your existing processes and tools. We then define the problem statement and align on it with you, breaking it down into actionable tasks, also known as Scope of Work. Any necessary system integration points are also identified, forming a clear roadmap for your business transformation.

When Does it Take Place?

MagLoft Discovery Workshop when does it take place?

The Discovery Workshop occurs during the Discovery Phase in MagLoft Express Delivery (MED) Method, serving as the foundation for your digital transformation journey.

Who Should Attend?

The Discovery Workshop is a collaborative effort requiring participation from key stakeholders in your organization who intimately understand your business processes, goals, and challenges. This typically includes:


Business Leaders

Owners, CEOs, Managing Directors, Founders

Publishing Team

Publishing Team

Publishers, Designers, Editors

Marketing Communications

MarComm Team

Marketing, Communications, Memberships, Advertising

What to Expect?

what to expect on your magloft's discovery workshop

The outcome of the Discovery Workshop is a comprehensive Project Plan & Proposal containing:

  • Clearly defined Problem Statements

  • The financial impact of your identified business challenges

  • An inventory of current software and systems

  • Required points of system integration

  • A Scope of Work to address and resolve the identified issues

  • An estimated project timeline and cost

  • Total number of micro-outcomes (milestones) to monitor progress

  • A calculation of 90-day cycles needed for completion

The Value Proposition

The Value Proposition for MagLoft's Express Delivery

The Discovery Workshop is an investment and a critical step in accelerating your business growth. The insights and alignment achieved during this workshop lay the foundation for a successful digital transformation.

The tangible result of this workshop is a Project Plan & Proposal that serves as a personalized strategic roadmap for your digital transformation journey. After receiving this report, you can either:

  1. Move forward with MagLoft to deliver the first Minimum Loveable Product (MLP1) within the next 90 days; or

  2. Execute the Project Plan independently.

Unlock Your Business Potential

With MagLoft, your journey towards powerful, effective digital publishing solutions begins with understanding. Our Discovery Workshop is the first step on this exciting path.

Ready to explore the possibilities? Join our Discovery Workshop Today!

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