Today we launched a new version of our online MagLoft publishing portal. We have added a few new features and given core parts of the publishing portal a nice facelift. We will continue to improve and add more features to the MagLoft publishing portal over the next few months and would love to hear if you have any suggestions. Please send them our way using the online chat found in the bottom right or send an email to, thanks!
New In The MagLoft Publishing Portal
We have given the issue list a major facelife and added several features to help you get a better overview of all your issues. We have also added a new top progress bar to better show you how far you have come in getting your publication ready for publishing. The entire MagLoft publishing portal is now also fully responsive which means you can access it without any layout trouble from any device.
Updated Issue List
We wanted to give you more information at a glance for each of your issues. That’s why you will now see the issue price listed along with the publishing status. In addition to this, we also added a list view which comes in handy when you have many issues.
You can also sort or search for issues now using the top right features of the issue list.
New Progress Bar
It’s important to always know what the next step is when getting a publication ready for publishing. That’s why we improved the top progress bar to give you a better overview of the required sections. We would love to get your thoughts on the progress bar idea and how we can improve it further.
Let Us Know What You Think?
Do you have good ideas for new features for the MagLoft Publishing Portal? We would love to hear from you! Please reach out to us either using the chat feature in the bottom right (we respond to this one extremely quickly) or send us an email to with your suggestions.