Hey everyone! This is Nick from Magloft.com with another video tutorial. In this video, we will be talking about the different issue pricing options that you can set for your issues, the different ways that your readers can access your content and get it onto their devices.
Please go ahead and watch the video 🙂 It will show you exactly how you can go in and change different pricing options. We will also demonstrate on the app, what the different options do and how you just can unlock your content.
Quick Look At The Available Issue Pricing Options
Go to your issue list in the MagLoft portal and click settings for one of your issues. It’s important to note that you can set different issue pricing options for each of your issues. This means you are not forced into one option for all of your issues.
Free Issues
The first option that you can select is free. This  allows your readers to access your content for free by simply clicking the get button inside your app.
This is useful if you’re creating a preview issue or a shorter version of your issue to give your readers an idea of what type of content that they can expect. This is to entice them to buy future issues or and to upgrade to a subscription.
Issues That Require Email Opt-In
The second option is opt-in. This issue pricing option will allow you to require your readers to submit their email in order to unlock. This is a great way to build your email list while still offering free and valuable content. The download button will change to unlock and a soon as you tap the unlock button you are required to enter a name and email address. Once you submit that form you will receive a confirmation email. When you click the link in the email, it will be registered in the MagLoft server and the issue will be unlocked for this particular reader.
Issues Unlocked by a Subscription
The next issue pricing option is subscribe. This option will only allow readers to subscribe in your app. There will be no option for them to purchase single issues. This is handy if you’re doing a daily newspaper or another publication where you have a lot of frequently new issues. So when the reader looks at the content in your app, there will be no get or buy button but they will only be a subscribe button available. Once they tap subscribe and submit a subscription, all the content in the app will be available. In other words, all issues that are set to the “Subscribe” option will get unlocked once a reader purchases a subscription.

Regular Paid Issues
The last option is the paid issue pricing. This, will of course, add a price to your issue. It’s important to note that you currently need to manually log into your iTunes connect and your Google play developer accounts to create in-app purchases. We are working on ways to automate this but until that is completed you will need to do this manually. The above video shows you exactly what to do when you select a pricing option as paid for your issues.
Do You Need To Update Your App To Support The New Issue Pricing Options?
These are the different pricing options that you can set for your issues when you use Magloft. Please send an email to support@magloft.com before you start using the opt-in and the subscribe pricing options. These are very new and requires you to have the latest version of the Magloft iOS and android apps. Go ahead and send an email to support@magloft.com if you’re interested in using these options for your issues. We will check and make sure that your apps are updated and ready to utilize these pricing options.
I’m Nick Martin from Magloft. Thank you very much for watching and reading this post. Look forward to making more videos for you in the very near future.