We are happy to announce our latest feature, the app designer, which will allow you to customize your app with your colors and graphics. Up until now, you haven’t been able to properly see what your new app will look like which hasn’t been optimal. Sure we have showed you screenshots and previews, but what you really want is full control of your choices and the options to play around with many variations before you select which design to publish. The new App Designer feature will give you those options!
As of today, when you decide to launch a new app, you will be able to see exactly what it will look like before you send it to publishing. You will be able to customize all the various colors for your app and see what your uploaded logo header will look like in your app. This will allow you to design your app much faster and ultimately get it live in the App Stores much faster as well.

App Designer Feedback Wanted
The App Designer is a work in progress and we will continue to improve it based on your feedback and suggestions. Please don’t hesitate to let us know what you think of this ew feature, and how we can improve the App Designer further.
Watch the video below to see Nick customize a new app from scratch in just over 5 minutes!
Quick Tip! In order to see all the real colors of your app at once simply click once more in the selected area (the area that appears not grayed out) and this will remove the gray overlay from your entire app.
App Designer Demo Video
New App Designer Features Coming Soon
We are always adding new features to MagLoft and one of the areas which we will be improving continuously is the app designer. This is also because we keep adding new features to the apps themselves which we of course want our clients to be able to customize. So stay tuned and keep an eye out for new ways to customize your apps.