Premier YCW

Premier YCW


Premier Youth and Children’s Work looks at the latest trends happening in youth and children’s culture, while providing support and inspiration, in a magazine packed full of practical resources. 

We have a range of regular features including ‘Real life’ where we hear the experience of a youth or children’s worker, ‘Recharge’, a bible study for you to nurture your own relationship with God,  ‘All-inclusive’ and Q&As.  

Our regular columns aim to provide support around safeguarding, school work, mental health and leadership. Our popular resources include curriculums for children and youth groups, all-age service plans, parables, mentoring tips, games, crafts, movie plans, music ideas and a reflective journal. We don’t shy away from talking about the more difficult subjects affecting our youth and children, and have covered topics including mental health, knife crime, bullying, gender identity, sex and vulnerable young people. 

YCW magazine is brought to you by Premier NexGen - an online resource for anyone invested in the faith of the next generation.